The following definitions are presented to help you understand some of
the terms used in Divine Metaphysics.

Divine Metaphysics

Divine Metaphysics is a Science, Philosophy and Religion based on the fact that life is continuous and that the phenomena of Nature is the expression of Infinite Intelligence. These facts are demonstrated through communication by means of mediumship, with those who live in the spirit world.

Divine Metaphysics found in the Bible

  • Genesis 15: 12 – Abraham goes into a trance
  • Genesis 16: 7-11 – The angel of the Lord appears to Hagar in the wilderness and comforts her.
  • Exodus 3: 2-10 – An angel speaks to Moses out of the burning bush.
  • 1 Samuel 9: 10-20 – Samuel is consulted by Saul as a seer.
  • 1 Samuel 28: 6-20 – Saul consults a medium and asks to talk to the spirit of Samuel.
  • Matthew 17: 3-5 – The Apostles hear the voices of Moses and Elias on the mount.
  • Mark 16: 18 – They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
  • John 2: 1-11 – Making wine from water at the marriage feast.
  • Acts 3: 1-8 – Peter cures the lame man.
  • Acts 9: 4-7 – And the man which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no man.
  • Romans 8: 26 – Paul has a clear understanding of spiritual agencies.

A Divine Metaphysician

The one who believes, as the basis of his or her own religion, in communication between this and the spirit world. In addition, he or she endeavors to mold his or her character and conduct in accordance with the higher teachings derived from such communion.

A Medium

A person whose organism is sensitive to vibrations from the spirit world. It is through this instrumentality that intelligences in the spirit world are able to convey messages and produce the psychic phenomena of Divine Metaphysics.

A Spiritual Healer

A person who is able to impart vital curative force to pathological conditions through his or her own inherent power or through his or her mediumship.

Psychic Phenomena

Are the subjective experience of vibrations and/or communications manifest from intelligences in the world of spirit. The types of phenomena on which Divine Metaphysics is based include Mental and Physical phenomena.

Mental Phenomena

use mental energy to produce forms of mediumship such as Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Gift of Tongues, and Inspirational and Trance Speaking. Physical Phenomena use physical energy to produce forms of mediumship such as Trumpet, Direct Voice, Rappings, Telekinesis, Independent Writings and Drawing, Levitation, Transfiguration and Materialization which includes Etherialization, Precipitation, Apport, Skotography and Spirit Photography.


Refers to anything pertaining to the human soul or mind especially super or extrasensory functions.


Refers to that which is understood by or meant for a select few persons